
Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This Indamixx 2 tablet is from Indamixx Company is powered by Transmission 5.0, a music-centric OS that’s actually built around MeeGo. This baby is loaded with Intel’s single-core 1.66GHz Atom N450, 2GB of RAM, a trio of USB 2.0 ports, a VGA output, Ethernet socket and analog audio input / output jacks. There’s no exact word on the screen size or resolution, but the final product is said to feature a dual-core Atom processor instead.

The creators say that they chose MeeGo due to its fondness of multitouch inputs, and based on the videos we’ve seen of it running, it definitely seemed like a wise choice. Moreover, those looking to use this for more traditional tasks will be thrilled to know that they still can, and considering that it’s Linux underneath, the limits are near-endless when it comes to tweaking options. For those in no position to wait for the final build, you can hit the source link in order to it for USD$999. But bear in mind, you’re ordering a beta product.

via Indamixx


Galaxy Tab has released as of late, but the company’s mobile division president J.K. Shin says that he expects the company to ship a million of them this year alone. If you do know some calculation, that’s a million sold in just less than 60 days. Bizarre prediction? Maybe, but this is Samsung after all, so the numbers might just be possible. If that’s not enough for some bizarre numbers, Shin also told Nikkei that Samsung expects to sell 40 million smartphones in 2011, which is more than double its projection for this year — of those, it obviously expects the majority to be Galaxy S phones, but it has quite a way to go from ten million it expects to sell this year. Incidentally, Shin also dropped another hint that Samsung would “soon” be releasing a 10-inch Galaxy Tab.

via Reuters


On Tuesday, a Japanese man Makoto Sekiguchi has arrested for copyright infringement after leaking pictures of the new Pokémon online. Some of you might not know, but The Pokémon games are massively popular (for unknown reasons) so when pictures of new, un-revealed Pokémon were released online, they didn’t go unnoticed. Unfortunately for 27-year-old Makoto Sekiguchi, the man who uploaded the images, it was the Chikusei City police in Ibaraki Prefecture who noticed the six pictures of three new characters in the Pokémon: Black and White series. So I guess the policeman also plays Pokémon.

Nikkansports reported that Sekiguchi posted the pictures on September 1 via his mobile phone. However, because the game wasn’t scheduled for release until September 18, police arrested Sekiguchi for posting them.

While it sounds ridiculous, Sekiguchi is actually being charged with copyright infringement. Apparently, the pictures were obtained from the October issue of CoroCoro Comic, which was leaked before its September 15 ship date. Police spotted the pictures while on cyber patrol and consulted with CoroCoro publisher Shogakukan and Association of Copyright for Computer Software (ACCS).

“I thought I would show everyone the characters that haven’t been made public yet,” Sekiguchi is quoted as saying. Well, being generous doesn’t seem to be paid nicely.

via Nikkansports


Will we see the fall of Blackberry caused by Windows Phone 7? Well, at least a few corporates will be ditching the Blackberry phones, and some might even follow the bench. That should give quite some drop in Blackberry’s sales and domination of the corporate level.

Microsoft gave out over 90,000 Windows Phone 7 phones to its staff during July of this year, and now we have Dell following their footsteps. Well, there’s nothing wrong with that, since it’s their own product, and they should support their own products.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Dell has revealed plans to move its 25,000 employees over to its own line of smartphones, giving them all Windows Phone 7-equipped Venue Pros in exchange for handing in their BlackBerrys.

CFO Brian Gladden said the company would be working with T-Mobile to hash out a deal that would allow Dell to purchase minutes and data in bulk rather than buying individual plans for employees. Unused data and minutes would carryover, and the switch itself would eliminate the need for BlackBerry servers, saving Dell 25 percent in mobile communication costs.

Though this obviously shows Dell’s confidence in its own product, the company also has plans to aggressively market a service to help other companies make the same switch. No doubt Dell plans to use its own experiences as an example of how great things could turn out. There is one problem, however. With Dell handing out 25,000 Venue Pros (the company will also offer employees Dell-brand Android phones in the future), there’s going to be 25,000 BlackBerrys lying in a heap in Dell’s office. Dell doesn’t seem to be quite sure how it’s going to get rid of the phones yet, but the company’s definitely been brainstorming to come up with a solution.

“We actually had a conversation last night around creating a site on eBay where we can actually sell these BlackBerry devices, Mr. Gladden told the Wall Street Journal. Now, can I bulk them?

via Wall Street Journal


AMD has launched their Bart series cards (the HD6870 and HD6850) and they sure pawn. But Nvidia surely won’t sit quietly and let them have their own way, since Cayman (the HD6970) is just around the corner. During the PDX LAN event, Nvidia’s Tom Petersen previewed the upcoming GTX 580 card, and even demoed it, albeit on an Nvidia-developed demo app, on the Alien vs. Triangles tech demo app.

Apparently the new GTX 580 is so good, like a nuclear reactor for home usage that Nvidia needs to improve the cooling from the GT-400 series. It’s faster, but it’s hotter and more power consuming. So, Nvidia went the Vapor way. Vapor cooling is not new to graphic cards, as Sapphire has already implemented it on AMD’s cards for quite some time on their Vapor-X cards.

Vapor chamber cooling technology is simple. Unlike typical heatsink which sits on top of the chips, now you have a chamber with liquid sandwiched in between the heatsink and the chip, which somehow transfer the heat from the chip faster, making it cooler. When the chip runs cooler, it performs more efficiently and consumes less voltage.

According to the slides shown by Tom Petersen, the new GTX 580 is not only cooler and quieter than the GTX 480; it is even quieter than the not so quiet GTX 285. The new cooler should keep the new card well cooled and at around 47dBA in gaming scenario. This is a quite an impressive result considering that Nvidia didn’t waste time to point out that this will be the fastest DirectX 11 card. Well, how long does this statement live up to its name is not known, as we’ve yet to see the Cayman cards’ performance. At least this card would be a folding monster, until client v7 comes out with AMD optimization that is.

via Fudzilla


Here's the world’s fastest 1.8-inch SSD, and it’s not from your typical Kingston or Corsair or OCZ. It’s from Foremay, and their latest tiny SSD is capable of speeds reaching 280MB/s, with random read/write IOPS at 4KB up to 30,000/15,000, and jumbo capacity up to 400GB. Measuring at just 5mm thick, the slim storage device is capable of being deployed not only in high-end laptops, but also in industrial PC, HPC and enterprise servers. Unfortunately, there is no info on pricing at this moment.

via Foremay


AT&T has launched two new BlackBerry Torch phones. Both will come in USD$499, or USD$99 with a two-year contract. They’re coming in Sunset Red and Pure White. The sunset red is basically a mixture of red paint jobs with some mix of black, while the white is a pure white model except for the optical pad which is still black in colour.