
Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This Indamixx 2 tablet is from Indamixx Company is powered by Transmission 5.0, a music-centric OS that’s actually built around MeeGo. This baby is loaded with Intel’s single-core 1.66GHz Atom N450, 2GB of RAM, a trio of USB 2.0 ports, a VGA output, Ethernet socket and analog audio input / output jacks. There’s no exact word on the screen size or resolution, but the final product is said to feature a dual-core Atom processor instead.

The creators say that they chose MeeGo due to its fondness of multitouch inputs, and based on the videos we’ve seen of it running, it definitely seemed like a wise choice. Moreover, those looking to use this for more traditional tasks will be thrilled to know that they still can, and considering that it’s Linux underneath, the limits are near-endless when it comes to tweaking options. For those in no position to wait for the final build, you can hit the source link in order to it for USD$999. But bear in mind, you’re ordering a beta product.

via Indamixx

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