TO SUM UP1) The persons born in any month on the dates: 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th are called
Lucky Number = 1 Persons.
2) The persons born in any month on the dates: 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th are called
Lucky Number = 2 Persons.
3) The persons born in any month on the dates: 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th are called
Lucky Number = 3 Persons.
4) The persons born in any month on the dates: 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st are called
Lucky Number = 4 Persons.
5) The persons born in any month on the dates: 5th, 14th and 23rd are called
Lucky Number = 5 Persons.
6) The persons born in any month on the dates: 6th, 15th and 24th are called
Lucky Number = 6 Persons.
7) The persons born in any month on the dates: 7th, 16th and 25th are called
Lucky Number = 7 Persons.
8) The persons born in any month on the dates: 8th, 17th and 26th are called
Lucky Number = 8 Persons.
9) The persons born in any month on the dates: 9th, 18th, and 27th are called
Lucky Number = 9 Persons.
Lucky Numbers through Names Now let us learn how to know the Lucky Number for the people who do not know their correct date of birth, through their names.
For each English letter, a number is given. You have to remember these.
These are:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 8 | 3 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
5 | 7 | 8 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 1 | 7 |
Note: You will not find Number 9 in these letter identifications. This number is earmarked to the Almighty. Hence 9 is not given to any letter.
For example:
Take: name of a person:
First Name / Pet Name === Middle Name === Last Name (Surname)
Here, generally we always use First Name.
Let us calculate Lucky Number for First Name / Pet name.
Name is: E R I C .
Let us calculate for this name:
E = 5
R = 2
I = 1
C = 3
Total = 5+2+1+3 = 11
Bring this 11 into a single digit
(or divided it by 9 and the remainder is) i.e. prime number = 11 = 1+1 = 2
So the Lucky Number for ERIC is = 2.
This is called "basic number."
For all day-to-day activities, it will play an important role.
This number is for FIRST NAME and PET NAME also.
If all the inputs such as 1) First Name, 2) Middle Name & 3) Last Name (Surname) are taken into account, the resulting output number is also called Lucky Number.
This also plays an important role in the life map of a person.
First Name / Pet Name:
5 2 1 3 = 11
Midddle Name:
Last Name/Surname
3 1 5 7 7 5 = 28
11 + 1 + 28
Total = 11 + 1 + 28 = 40 = 40/9 = remainder is 4 = So the Lucky Number for this Name is = 4.
So the Lucky Number for the above full name is = 4
Like that you can calculate and arrive at the Lucky Number for the persons who do not know their correct date of birth through their names.
PROFESSIONSMARS is earmarked with No. 9
If your date of birth falls in between 22nd March to
20th April in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Military/Doctors/Surgeons/Medical Business
Organizers/ Architecture /Agents/Brokers/Auctioneers
Surveyors/Sales Personnel/Detectives
Teaching/Novelists/Story Writers/Photographers
Chemists/Druggists/Dentists/Magnetic Healers
Government Service
Computer/Electronics Field
VENUS is earmarked with No. 6
If your date of birth falls in between 21st April to
21st May in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Actors/Music Directors/Managers/Secretaries
Decorators/Librarians/Bankers/Stock Brokers
Treasurers/Cashiers/Speculators/Magnetic Healers
Doctors/Nurses/Farmers/Builders/Book Binders
Chemists/Druggists/House Painters/Insurance Agents
Government Service
Computer/Electronics Field
MERCURY is earmarked with No. 5
If your date of birth falls in between 22nd May to
21st June in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Chemists/Printers/Traveling Agents
Consumer Goods Business, Etc.
Government Service
Computer/Electronics Field
MOON is earmarked with No. 2
If your date of birth falls in between 22nd June to
23rd July in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Historians/Navy/Nurses/Hotel Management
Actors/Book Sellers/Dress Makers
Research/Mineral Water Manufacturing
Government Service
Computer/Electronics Field
SUN is earmarked with No. 1
If your date of birth falls in between 24th July to
23rd August in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Government Service
Computer/Electronics Field
MERCURY is earmarked with No. 5
If your date of birth falls in between 24th August to
23rd September in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Chemists/Printers/Traveling Agents
Consumer Goods Business, Etc.
Government Service
Computer/Electronics Field
VENUS is earmarked with No. 6
If your date of birth falls in between 24th September to
23rd October in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Actors/Music Directors/Managers/Secretaries
Decorators/Librarians/Bankers/Stock Brokers
Treasuries/Cashiers/Speculators/Magnetic Healers
Doctors/Nurses/Farmers/Builders/Book Binders
Chemists/Druggists/House Painters/Insurance Agents
Government Service
Computer/Electronics Field
MARS is earmarked with No. 9
If your date of birth falls in between 24th October to
22nd November in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Military/Doctors/Surgeons/Medical Business
Organizers/Architecture/Agents/ Auctioneers
Surveyors/Sales Personnel/Detectives
Teaching/Novelists/Story Writers/Photographers
Chemists/Druggists/Dentists/Magnetic Healers
Government Service
Computer/Electronics Field
JUPITER is earmarked with No. 3
If your date of birth falls in between 23rd November to
22nd December in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Police Department/Government Service/Military Service
Law And Order
Sea-Voyage Jobs/Traveling Agents
Painters/Hotel Management
Mediums For Spirits
Computer/Electronics Field
SATURN is earmarked with No. 8
If your date of birth falls in between 23rd December to
20th January in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Industries Related To Sand
Character Readers
Government Service
Computer/Electronics Field
SATURN is earmarked with No. 8
If your date of birth falls in between 21st January to
19th February in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Muncifs /Servants
Industries Related To Sand
Character Readers
Government Service
Computer/Electronics Field
JUPITER is earmarked with No. 3
If your date of birth falls in between 20th February to
21st March in any year:
Your profession will likely be in the following trades:
Police Department/Government Service/Military Service
Law And Order
Sea Voyage Jobs/Traveling Agents
Painters/Hotel Management
Mediums For Spirits
Computer/Electronics Field