
Thursday, November 18, 2010


In addition to the main qualities of 1 to 31 numbers, mentioned in earlier postings, the following two digit number qualities also may be taken into account. For example, your name number is #32 : you can read the "#32" number qualities mentioned below.

As per your name, if you hold to your own judgment and opinions; if not, your plans are likely to become wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others. It is a favorable one for the future events. This name is the seat of learning. Education, attraction, comforts, royal honour, knowledge are all indicated. Your financial position will be up and down often. More or less, it is a good name.

As per your name, it gives you learning, wealth, health, conveyance and anything you want by right means. It may relieve you from the present economic crisis.

As per your name, it is not a material name. You may likely to lose the masculine tendency and become passionate and quarrelsome with licentious outlook.

As per your name, you will come up well in life but get into unnecessary litigations or confusions and waste your life. This name number is a powerful one for relief of ailments.

As per your name, family position is not seen well due to peculiar position of Mars. Intelligence, wealth, travels are indicated. If properly combined, this is a very successful name.

As per your name, you will have to come up in life to a high position from a low rank in life and get success. You are liked and helped by all. There will be harmony in life. This is a Hot name and the further combination it can be used for great success or otherwise this name may tell upon the health of your partner. Be careful in dealing with this.

As per your name, you will be persuasive, charitable-minded, occupying high position, sometimes trustees of religious institutions also. This gives success in early stage but cannot give steady and lasting success and the end is sudden and vain. Loss of respect and wealth is indicated at a later stage.

As per your name, by the influence of sign of Capricorn custom-built troubles are seen. This name indicates diseases and cure of mental fear.

As per your name, this is neither a successful nor unsuccessful one. Life is not a pleasant one though gain and honour are achieved. With keen mental development and by proper control, higher intuitional faculty is indicated.

As per your name, it indicates all comforts like royal honour, wealth, position, conveyance, etc. This is beneficial for all material things.

As per your name, it indicates a happy life, wealth, renown, friends, good position, success in public life are indicated combined with miserliness. You may become either learned or laxly. Your name has the power to cure ailments.

As per your name, it gives you position, intelligence, statesmanly ability, cleverness with misfortune, loss of position and narrow-mindedness.

As per your name, it gives success in profession, surprising wealth and all comforts. This is like a razor blade. The end is complete confusion when there is no honesty and faith in the lord.

As per your name, you will have tendency to occultism, regard and respect for elders and preceptors, independent thinking, wealth and honour with occasional mental worry and restlessness. This is a good name.

As per your name, when properly set up, maximum wealth and all kinds of prosperity can be achieved. Those who are not blessed with children if they come under this name number, can get children.

As per your name, it gives wealth, comforts, and literary taste, culture, friends and position. Weak eye sight is also seen.

As per your name, if you do prayers, you will be blessed and you will be always free from troubles. If you do not do prayers, you will perish. Higher stages of life are indicated under this name. This is not a worldly name and whatever may be the actions, you will have obstacles. This name will induce one to have faith in religion.

As per your name, this is a name indicates restlessness for those who do not have intuitional faculties.

As per your name, you will have proficiency in Mathematics or Astrology or Physical science, clear foresight is with this name. This is virgin name indicating long life.

As per your name, this is a highly powerful name indicating anger, courage, sympathy, love, attraction, repulsion, all at the same time.

As per your name, this makes you a good conversationalist and learned. Combined with spiritual bent and regular prayers, success can be achieved. Short temper and vain life are indicated. This is not a good name for any great material prosperity.

As per your name, this is a very risky name. Taste for public life, profound success, great victory combined with confusion, loss of appointment, prestige and the like are indicated.

As per your name, it indicates no great matrimonial happiness though there may be general love prevailing. A certain amount of affable manners, ceremonial mind, riches and intelligence combined with worry from relations are seen.

As per your name, it gives you super intelligence. This is a very powerful name. This can win over enemies. Creation and destruction are indicated. Multiple profits will be got. Super intelligence when not properly used, may bring disaster.

As per your name, it gives you relief from all troubles and getting wealth and riches. The mind will become restless though Venus relieves nervousness of Mercury to a great extent. This gives you magical powers. Super intelligence is indicated.

As per your name, it indicates favorable life and retiring disposition are seen. This name number in business concern is interesting to note.

As per your name, it indicates accomplishment of your plans and success. Sometimes extraordinary success is seen. Religious devotion is also seen. There will be a great attraction. Multiple profits are seen. Royal favour is indicated. In the later stage, increase of enemies, scandal, contests and residence in remote land may be the outcome.

As per your name, this is a successful name. Earning by intellectual-al pursuits is indicated. Multiple profits are seen. Perceptive faculties, philosophical outlook, frugal ways of living, interesting literary ability in early life and success through it, breaks in education, knowledge of astrology and mathematics and cunningness are indicated. Ailment in spleen, diseases incidental to exposure are also likely, if health is not properly maintained.

As per your name, you will weigh things before you venture. Wealth and family enjoyments are with this name. Power of expression and celebrity in arts are indicated.

As per your name, you are likely to be wanting in proper mode of conduct. Family life is not seen well. Though some pains and powers are seen, this name is not so good for material prosperity. Science of Pranayama is indicated.

As per your name, it indicates idealism rather than realism, and building castles in the air are seen. You will be tactful in achieving your object more by right means. As political leader and religious reformer, you exert tremendous influence over others. But life is no rosy path. This name indicates over-sleep which is controlled by Saturn.

As per your name, it indicates dealing with the various activities of bad nature during night. Better avoid this name number.

As per your name, this gives you great opposition. By help of Jupiter very high position is likely. Super intelligence is indicated.

As per your name, you will have fluency of tongue, godliness and prosperity indications of War and Destruction are also implied.

As per your name, success in all enterprises can be seen. Knowledge of science, music, etc. are indicated. This is a very fine name number. Ladies in this name number will become efficient in Musical instruments, etc.

As per your name, it indicated enjoyment of vehicles, friends, name and fame in society, benefits from superiors, wife a source of happiness is also seen on one side. On the dark side danger, untimely food, physical hurts are likely. Professions suited for Venus will give good success.

As per your name, this is purely a spiritual name number. In the positive side, landed properties, easy access to your desires, respect in society, many friends, logical success in trade, military or political career are indicated. But in the negative side, more enemies, unpopularity, obscurity and attraction to Yoga in later life are indicated.

As per your name, it makes you highly passionate. It is also likely that love may become jealousy. If you flatter these people you can get anything you desire from them. Riches and wealth are in ABUNDANCE.

As per your name, it indicates diplomacy, positive tendency, cleverness and combined with great strides in life resulting in dullness and obscurity.

As per your name, you have adventurous spirit, reflective nature, intelligence, philosophical outlook and wealth.

As per your name, you will have riches, honour, and relief from fear. If this name number suits you, it gives greatest success to you in life.

As per your name, it indicates vast learning, intelligence, righteous mind, stately appearance, popularity and riches are indicated. In the inner implication it is also seen that increase of cattle wealth and milk are indicated.

As per your name, it indicates indisposition, wavering tendency, misery combined with good speech, liking for art and literature. Not much successful name.

As per your name, it indicates a strenuous type of life. Easy friendship, of course without looking deep into them, is likely. With daring spirit and frankness the speech will be blunt. Being very sensitive, like personal freedom and is much interest in art and literature. Impulsiveness is also likely. This deals with the blessings of Goddess of Learning.

As per your name, gains in adventurous new ways, thrifty, logical, sudden loss and gain, retiring dispositions are indicated. Not so highly successful.

As per your name, though the true significance is not clear to common man, gentlemanly appearance, fame, riches and travels are indicated. Spirituality is essential.

Hey Guys ! only GOD can tell the fate of human beings correctly. The content on this Web site is only for Entertainment & Fun, so don't take it SERIOUSLY.


Here's Nook Color E-Book Reader from Barnes & Noble was launched not too long ago, and finally it’s now available at a very decent price of USD$249. For reminders, this is a 7-inch E-Book Reader from Barnes & Noble that spots IPS touchscreen panels with 1024 x 600 resolutions, the Android operating system by Google, and a web browser which is very handy at places with WiFi. That’s because the E-Book Reader has a built-in Wi-Fi, allowing you to surf the web, check your email and read a favourite blog.

via Barnes & Nobles


Here’s NOX Audio suddenly came out with two pairs of stylish earphones — the Specialist supra-aural cans with a retractable, flexible mic, and the Scout earbud headset, now on sale. Even at first glance the Scout’s not your average pair of in-line earbuds, connected to your phone of choice via a piece of rubber linguini that acts as a no-tangle cord, but they also have balanced armature drivers that delivered some very good sound even in the bustle of a busy trade show or stock market. There’s even ‘the world’s smallest mic’ integrated into this earphone. If you’re interested to give NOX a try, you’ll find the Scout at “select retailers” and the company’s online store for $80, ready to ship to you.

via NOX


Sharp has introduced its intentions to sell new 3D-display equipped smartphones that don't require glasses to view them in the United States, China, and India in 2011. Apple might have their Retina display to boast around, but now everything’s in 3D yo. That’s because Sharp’s autostereoscopic 3D is coming to a smartphone near you next year. Sharp plans to debut their Softbank-bound Galapagos 003SH and 005SH Android handsets next month, but Sharp has also confirmed its intention to also bring it Stateside as well as to two of the world’s most populous nations in China and India.

It’s not yet exactly clear what handsets those markets will be getting, but if you’re looking for further signs of Sharp’s expanding international ambition, the company’s reported to also be contemplating extending its e-reading tablet platform out to the US and China. Things seemed to be starting to heat up since Panasonic will also start venturing into smartphone territorial next year.

via mainichi


Here'S the Google Voice app for your iPhone. Google’s lovely app has finally made it through into the iTunes Stores, and it looks to have all the most important features: call and text support, push notifications, and voicemail access (including transcriptions). It’s available right now, but only if you lives in US. Available for iPhones with iOS 3.1 or higher, you’re ready to go if you have a valid Google Voice account ready. Just search for “googlevoice” in the App Store.

via Google


Panasonic might not be new to the world of mobile phones, but it has been rather quiet in the smartphone explosion that has taken place. But fear not, as the people who brought you the cute GD50 and the clamshell GD88 will be back very soon. Speaking at a news conference yesterday, the ‘Taicho’ of Panasonic’s mobile division, Osamu Waki, admitted flatly that the company “misjudged the speed at which smartphones would be taken up in the Japanese market,” and that “with the rapid shift to Android, we want to catch up quickly.” Exact particulars on how it gives the iPhone (and the WinFags since we already have iFags) a good cat fight is still not clear, but Panasonic’s phones will indeed be based on Android, and it seemingly hopes to distinguish them from the overcrowded market by emphasizing their networking capabilities with other Panasonic products. Lumix-services anyone? As for when the first ones will roll out, Panasonic plans to kick off sales in Japan sometime next year, with overseas markets set to follow in 2012.

via Reuters


According to Trusted Deals, Microsoft and LG are partnering up to offer free applications with LG’s new Optimus 7! This Optimus 7 is LG’s representative in the Windows Phone 7 market, and is probably a good strategy from LG to boost identity for the soon-to-be-crowded Windows Phone 7 market. In the upcoming weeks, several applications from multiple categories will be made available to all owners of LG Optimus 7, in the apps store. To check out these free applications, users will have to log on to Microsoft’s Application Store and choose what they want to download. On the other hand, if that isn’t enough to woo you over to LG’s camp, the company has also offer more applications on its own LG Application Store that is found in the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace.


Here's Nissan Ellure Concept 2010. The Ellure is swoopy and musculer, like a futuristic Maxima. With a front end supposedly inspired by the formal coat worn by Samurai, Nissan asserts that the Ellure makes no attempt to hide its “sedan-ness”, mentioning that they expect this body style to be the core of their future product lineup.
“When all is said and done, the sedan will always be core to the Nissan product portfolio. Our goal is to rejuvenate the sedan’s attractiveness to buyers who might have migrated to other segments, or who are coming reluctantly into the category,” said Nissan Senior VP Shiro Nakamura. “By respecting its strengths, while recognizing that emotion is as critical as function, Ellure could well be the wave, or more correctly the ‘shock wave,’ of future sedans.”

Naturally, the Ellure is a hybrid that uses a supercharged 2.5L four-cylinder, a CVT transmission and a 25kw electric motor.

via Netcarshow